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Taman Ayun Royal Temple



Taman Ayun Temple is a Royal Temple of Mengwi Empire and it is located in Mengwi Village, Badung regency and about 18 Km north side of Denpasar town. It is strategically located beside of major roadway between Denpasar to Singaraja. It is set on the land which is surrounded by the big fish pond and look like a drift on the water. It owns the beautiful temple building with multistoried roof and Balinese Architecture. The wide beautiful landscape garden in front courtyard to welcome all visitors who come and visit this temple. It is a beautiful place to see during your vacation in Bali. Taman Ayun Temple is also considered to have historical values, which makes the regional government of Bali suggests the UNESCO in 2002 that this temple is included in World Heritage List.


History of Taman Ayun Temple is a Mother Temple (Paibon) to Mengwi Kingdom. This temple was built by Mengwi King, I Gusti Agung Putu, in the Javanese year of 1556 (1634 AD). Initially, I Gusti Agung Putu built a temple to the north of Mengwi village to the worship of his ancestors. The temple was named Genter Park. When Mengwi grew into a big kingdom, I Gusti Agung Putu moved Genter Park eastward and expand the compound. The expanded temple was officially declared Taman Ayun Temple on Kliwon Tuesday – Medangsia the fourth month in the Javanese year of 1556. Until today, each Kliwon Tuesday of wuku Medangsia in Javanese calendar (Saka), a piodalan (ceremony) is held in this temple to celebrate the temple’s anniversary.


Taman Ayun temple also has the position and the function each temple.The function of Taman Ayun Temple is a place to pray the god in their manifestation. It is according to the Babad Mengwi and the existence of temple building structure, especially the temple that is located in third area (Jeroan). According to Astadewata, the special God is worshiped in Taman Ayun Temple is the God in manifestation as a Wisnu God which his palace located in top of Mangu mount. In papyrus of Usana Bali mentioning that one of Dewa Catur Lokapalas carry through its worship is Meru Pucak Pangelengan that is a temple building with 9 multistoried roofs. Pitara God is a holy soul deity of ancestor who is also referred as the other names of Hyang Pitara or Dewa Hyang. Pitara God is obliged to be worshiped by clan heir (Prati Sentana) in the form of temple ceremony which the same meaning as by the ceremony to the god. The worshiping existence to Pitara God in Taman Ayun Temple can be searched and proved by pursuant to the existence of temple building which lay in by consecution in east which is called Paibon that is representing Special Temple. Taman Ayun Temple in capacities or its status as special altar for the King family of Mengwi Palace or as a Merajan Agung from Mengwi King Families specially for the founder of Mengwi Empire that is I Gusti Agung Putu. That is a bit description about the function and position of Taman Ayun Temple. Hope it will help you to know more about this temple.


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